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Knowledge Hub
Knowledge Hub
PID Platform
Knowledge Hub
Getting started
Getting Started with the PID Platform
What are persistent identifiers? Overview
What are persistent identifiers? Features
What are persistent identifiers? Selection
What is a DOI, Handle, ARK, URL, URI, ...?
What is an ORCID iD?
What is a DOI?
Who is DataCite?
Who is Crossref?
Librarians and Repository Managers
Introduction for librarians and repository managers
What are the discipline-specific differences in data management workflows?
What are the differences between ORCID and DataCite Metadata?
Case study: ORCID overview for institutions
Case study: Versioning with identifiers
Case study: Linking across identifiers
Case study: DataCite workflow integration: Humanities and Social Sciences
Introduction for developers
Querying DOI metadata
Searching DOI metadata
Authenticating using ORCID
Searching ORCID
Case study: ORCID Integration in Disciplinary Data Repositories
Policy makers and Funders
Introduction for policy makers
What can my organisation do to enable PID adoption among researchers?
Is there a PID type to identify my own organisation?
How can I use ORCID iDs to evaluate research activity?
Introduction for publishers
What are the benefits of integrating PIDs in publishers workflows?
What should be included in a Publisher Data Policy?
How can I integrate ORCID within publishing workflows?
How can I use ORCID iDs for peer review recognition services?
What is the DataCite metadata schema?
Case study: PIDs in Publishing Workflows
Introduction for researchers
What are the various author identifier systems?
Why get an ORCID ID?
How does auto-update work?
THOR Metrics Dashboard
Webinar recordings
Presentations THOR Workshop: Identifiers - Infrastructure, Impact and Innovation
Presentation THOR Ambassador Webinar
Presentations THOR Bootcamps
Presentations Crossref-THOR Outreach meeting
Presentations THOR Final Event
Project deliverables
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